Studying traditional technologies of bread baking and the experience of French and German experts, the founder of “Arevahatser” (translated as “sunbread”) decided to revive traditional Armenian recipes and spread them all over the world.
Received the name from raising sun, “Arevahats” is made with the basis of traditional baking with yeast.
The founders created technologies for dough kneading and ripening that the excess gluten neutralizes as much as possible and the vitamins and beneficial elements activate, making the bread suitable for people having weight problems or following healthy diet.
The bread does not contain any additive, taste or color improvers and is made of the best quality ingredients. The company has revived the recipes and make bread in a way that people used to make more than 100 years ago. The advantage of their technology is in long and slow making, which results natural fermentation.
Vendor Biography
Studying traditional technologies of bread baking and the experience of French and German experts, the founder of “Arevahatser” (translated as “sunbread”) decided to revive traditional Armenian recipes and spread them all over the world. Received the name from raising sun, “Arevahats” is made with the basis of traditional baking with yeast. The founders created technologies for dough kneading and ripening that the excess gluten neutralizes as much as possible and the vitamins and beneficial elements activate, making the bread suitable for people having weight problems or following healthy diet. The bread does not contain any additive, taste or color improvers and is made of the best quality ingredients. The company has revived the recipes and make bread in a way that people used to make more than 100 years ago. The advantage of their technology is in long and slow making, which results natural fermentation.